It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

 One day while driving to work I spotted the cutest vintage door just sitting on the side of the road taunting me to take it home. Fighting the urge to stop, I kept going with the thoughts of stopping if by some chance it was still there on my way home. To my surprise it was! Now getting the door into my very small car was another story. I really wanted and had every intention of refinishing and hanging this door in my house, but my other half thought differently. So the door sat in my backyard and eventually made its way to the front porch, looking very cute, but not living up to its full potential. Well with all this time on my hands, I decided it was time to tackle it once and for all.

I sanded off all loose and peeling paint.

I did things a little backwards. After I painted I realized
the door was coming apart. So the hubby used wood
glue and clamps, probably should have done this step
first.... but I have never been one to do anything the
easy way!

I added a welcoming hello by using a black sharpie.

Added Letty my beautiful model 

Striking a pose!

I realize the door looks crooked in the photos, but trust me its level....
just my mad photography skills in action!

So what do you think of my roadside find?

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas....

Adopt don't shop!


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