To Foster Or Not To Foster 

    Is this really a question i'm asking? If i had my way i would be living on a farm somewhere with every unwanted animal in need of a home. Sadly the reality is, i live in a small house in an every growing city. Not to mention i'm not alone! Sometimes i resent the fact that i'm almost 42 and have to "ask Permision" to do things... Okay, maybe not permission.... but the 2 year old in me wants what I want and who cares about your feelings! Just kidding, my other half is a wonderful man, and tends to be the voice of reason in this crazy relationship. He often tells me i can't save em all after showing him the hundredth picture of a dog at the pound. 

 Last January my husband while on fb saw a post from a friend about three pups in need of a foster. He showed me, odd because its usually the other way around... he asked what i thought, and the next thing i know were driving god knows where at ten o clock to pick up puppies. We barely made it home before the "big" one Pugsley exploded with diarrhea... a battle that lasted for months. Poor pups had giarrdia, and Pugsley had eaten bags of concrete while with  his previous foster... leading to on going intestinal issues.  Boy did i quickly have a new found respect for John and Bri with +iPittytheBull. We ended up only being a short term emergency foster for these three pups, but in this short time i fell hard for one of them.... you know him as Walter, a.k.a. Pugsley. 

 Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago... while taking Gerdy to our vets for yet another burst abscess, my husband shows me a dog in need... Bella the american bulldog. This beautiful girl as you probably know was taken into our vets by her family to be euthinized after eating a rope toy that needed to be surgically removed. Apparently this was not the first time. We were told that she was an outside dog that was neglected and tied to a tree all day. Our vet @anaheimhillspetclinic refused to euthinize her and the owners just walked away. We just happened to be there at the right time and next thing i know were a foster again. Thankfully @angelsforanimals backed us and within days at our first event with Bella we found a fantastic home. Funny because i was just telling my husband we could end up having her for a long time... and are we really set up for a long term foster? 
 Basically both of these situations were promted by my hard ass other half... he tries to act tough... but when it comes down to it.... hes just a big softy. So thank you for that night back in January when a certain someone walked into our lives. 

  To foster or not to foster.... yes! Most definitely yes! Its an amazing experience, and yes it may only help one animal in need... but thats one less animal needlessly suffering.

Walter my big baby


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